A gentle breeze drifted through the woods, carrying leaves along the worn dirt path where three trainers walked, laughing together.Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding(437)) Marked as answer by JPArmstrong Thursday.One of her most noticable physical features was a single large red horn in her forehead, which connected directly to her skull. She had fangs, pointed ears and very large breasts. Tionishia is a very tall woman with tan skin and long flowing hair. Reader's pov You were on a date with your bestfriend, Tio.We can talk privately' Marshall glanced at Jay - he was sitting quietly, obviously trying not to look too long at the collection of tentacles that formed the majority of the alien's body, doubtless endeavouring to work out where its genitals might be, and what he might be expected to do for it when the. 'It appears to be a healthy and vigorous specimen.Convert scans, photos and PDFs to Word, Excel and other editable formats online. FineReader Online - OCR and PDF conversion сloud-based service on ABBYY Text Recognition OCR Technology.